Volunteers Needed

Job Status
Open - open and accepting applications
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Being a member of a Board, Commission or Committee is a way to give back to the community in which you live. It can be a rewarding experience to know you are shaping and making a difference in your community.

Throughout the year different positions open up on Boards/Commissions and Committees and the Board of Selectmen is always looking for applicants who are interested in filling these vacancies. Whether you’re interested in recreation activities, land-use practices, natural resources, emergency planning, agricultural activities, municipal finances, veteran services, etc., the Town of Hardwick has opportunities for you to volunteer to share your time and talents.

The following vacancies need to be filled:

Agricultural Commission

Cemetery Commission

Conservation Commission

Hardwick-New Braintree Cultural Council: contact Maureen Tobin at maureentobin1969 [at] gmail.com

Council on Aging

Election Poll Workers

Finance Committee (appointed by the Town Moderator)

Historical Commission

Master Plan/Community Development Committee

Capital Planning Committee

Open Space Committee

Parks & Recreation Commission

Recycling Commission

Town House Advisory Committee

Youth Commission

Board of Registrars

Broadband Committee

Zoning Board of Appeals


If you would like to volunteer for an open position, please send a letter of interest to the Board of Selectmen. You may submit by the following methods:

Mail: Town of Hardwick, Board of Selectmen, P.O. Box 575, Gilbertville MA 01031

Email: admin [at] townofhardwick.com

Fax: (413) 477-6703

Hand Deliver: Town Administrator, Municipal Office Building, 307 Main Street, Gilbertville, MA