Capital Planning Committee


Clerk: Lucinda Childs
Members: Mark Korzec - Chair (Finance Committee)
Eric Vollheim (Board of Selectmen)
Lucinda Childs (Assessors)
Erik Fleming (At-large member)
Jennifer Garvey (School Committee)
Jessica Crawford (Treasurer - non-voting)
VACANT (Accountant - non-voting)


Capital Planning Report 2024

Article VII Capital Planning Committee

Section 1. The Board of Selectmen shall establish and appoint a committee known as the Capitol Planning Committee. The Committee shall consist of seven members, which shall be comprised of one member of the Board of Selectmen, one member of the Finance Committee, one member of the School Committee, One member of the Board of Assessors, one at-large member representing the townspeople, the Town Treasurer (as a non-voting member), the Town Administrator (as a non-voting member), and the Town Accountant (as a non-voting member). Terms for appointment may be three (3) years. The Selectmen shall within thirty days after such Capitol Planning Committee becomes effective appoint one member for the term of one year, two members for terms of two years, two members for terms of three years and the Town Treasurer, the Town Administrator, and the Town Accountant shall serve as a non-voting members.

Section 2. The Committee shall study proposed capital projects and public improvements involving major, non-recurring tangible assets and projects which (1) involve acquisition, demolition, repair, or non-routine modifications to public buildings; (2) involve acquisition or sale of land; (3) involve acquisition of equipment with a value of $25,000 or more; or (4) involve design studies, engineering studies, or other studies related to capital expenditures. All officers, department heads, boards, committees, commissions, or agents shall by December 1st of each year, give to, on forms prepared by it, information concerning all anticipated capital needs and projects requiring town meeting action for the ensuing five (5) years. The Committee shall evaluate the relative need, impact, timing, and cost of these proposed expenditures and the effect each will have on the financial position of the Town. No appropriation shall be voted at Town Meeting for a capital improvement requested, excepting non-special-article-school department capitol items which are subject to the provisions of MGL, Chapter71,section 34, unless the proposed capital improvement is considered in the Committee’s report, the Commission shall first have submitted a report to the Board of Selectmen explaining the omission. In case of emergency capital expenditures, the committee shall present an oral report as soon as possible.

Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Committee annually to prepare a Capital Budget Report showing, for each of the five years next following, a list of those public improvements and non-recurring major equipment needs which, in its opinion, represent the most necessary and urgent projects or purchases to be undertaken by the Town during each such year. The report shall include the probable costs of each such improvement or purchase and the Committee’s recommendations as to the method of financing them.

Section 4. The Capital Budget report shall be distributed annually with the copies of the Warrant provided by the selectmen. Additional copies of said report shall be available in the Town Clerk’s office for distribution to the public. The report shall also be included in the Annual Town Report.

ATM 6/16/2007 Article #27

Amended ATM 6/18/2011 Article #15