Municipal Hearing Officer Non-criminal Disposition Clerk

Office (413) 477-6700, Home (413) 477-6378
Official Drop Box

Non-criminal tickets and the fee associated with the offense can be placed in the green envelope provided at the time of the offense and dropped off in the box located to the right of the main entrance to the Municipal Building, 307 Main Street, Gilbertville. Tickets and the fine associated with the offense can also be mailed in the green envelope provided at the time of the offense to PO Box 575, Gilbertville, MA 01031. 

You have 21 days from the date of the issuance of the ticket to return the ticket and appropriate fine, or if  you wish to contest this ticket please make a checkmark in the box located on the ticket to request a hearing, return the  ticket in the green envelope and a hearing will be arranged for you to appear in court at the Western Worcester District Court, Brookfield, MA. 

If you have any questions please use the phone number or email above to contact Paula Roberts.