Board of Assessors

Email: assessor [at]

Phone: (413) 477-6709

Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Mailing Address: Board of Assessors, P.O. Box 575, Gilbertville, MA  01031

Board Meets: Every Wednesday at 10 am in the Municipal Building

Next Meeting: Calendar

Clerk, Board of Assessors
Member, Board of Assessors
Chair, Board of Assessors

Under the Massachusetts Modernization Act taxpayers now have until April 1 to apply for personal exemptions from real estate taxes. 
Please contact the Assessors at 477-6709 with any questions. Tax information for members of the Massachusetts National Guard or military reservists who are on active duty.

Fiscal Year 2024 Tax Rate: $12.62